Ferienhaus Troadkastn
Apartements Kärntnerhaus

Rates for Moschelitzenblick

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self-catering holidays, holiday flat für 2 bis 5 Personen.

Rates are quoted for 7 night stays and do not include local taxes, electricity and final cleaning.

Year 2025 - Prices per week and holiday flat. (not including extra charges)

first night  last night price
06.01.202524.01.2025 560.00  € 
25.01.202531.01.2025 595.00  € 
01.02.202507.03.2025 700.00  € 
08.03.202512.04.2025 595.00  € 
13.04.202523.05.2025 450.00  € 
24.05.202527.06.2025 510.00  € 
28.06.202512.09.2025 610.00  € 
13.09.202501.11.2025 510.00  € 
02.11.202511.12.2025 450.00  € 
12.12.202518.12.2025 530.00  € 
19.12.202505.01.2026 700.00  € 

Year 2026 - Prices per week and holiday flat. (not including extra charges)

first night  last night price
06.01.202623.01.2026 560.00  € 
24.01.202630.01.2026 595.00  € 
31.01.202627.02.2026 700.00  € 
28.02.202627.03.2026 595.00  € 
28.03.202610.04.2026 700.00  € 
11.04.202608.05.2026 500.00  € 
09.05.202626.06.2026 520.00  € 
27.06.202611.09.2026 610.00  € 
12.09.202601.11.2026 520.00  € 

Extra charges:

Local tax: € 1.50 per person and day for guests over sixteen years of age;
Final cleaning: € 30
Electricity flat rate: between € 25 and € 40 depending on season
Dogs: € 10 per week

No liability is assumed for the given data!